Field Context Key for ai

2 votes

Story: "I want the ability to provide specific context to each field in the AI mailbox by assigning a field key. This field key would allow me to specify what the field is for, what type of data it expects, and any other relevant information. For example, if I have field names that are not intuitive because they match another system's naming convention, I want to ensure the AI knows the exact purpose of each field without having to guess. Each field should have its own prompt that clearly defines its role. For instance, a field named 'accessname' may actually be looking for an email address in a certain location. Therefore, I need to define in the field key that 'accessname' is 'the field needed for the user's account login and expects an email address.'"

Problem statement: The current system lacks a mechanism to provide specific context to each field in the AI mailbox, leading to potential misinterpretations by the AI when extracting data.

Under consideration Suggested by: Malkio Upvoted: 04 Mar Comments: 1

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